
Showing posts from June, 2023

10 Common Piano Tuning Problems and Solutions

Piano tuning is a vital part of keeping pianos functioning. When you play the piano, tiny strings inside vibrate and make beautiful music. But sometimes, pianos can have problems. Sticky keys, uneven sounds, or buzzing noises can make the play hard. In this situation, a piano tuner comes to the rescue. So, let experts help you with the piano tuning in Newark and enjoy playing music every time! Problem 1: Sticky Keys Have you ever played the piano and noticed some keys do not work? These are called sticky keys. When you press a key, it either gets stuck or doesn't make a sound. Sticky keys can happen because of dirt, dust, or something spilt on the keys.  A piano tuner can clean the keys carefully, removing dirt or debris. They can also adjust the height of the keys so they don't get stuck. By fixing the sticky keys, the piano will sound beautiful again. It will also make you play your favourite songs with ease! Problem 2: Uneven Tension Sometimes when you play the piano, you m...